As Seen In

I am so honored to receive a Congressional Commendation from Congresswoman Delia Ramirez on the House Floor in D.C. on July 9th, 2024
Click here for Transcript
My audacity to co-create a radical (un)learning and healing space, Come Back to Care, with you is being seen and witnessed…as I witness your decolonized parenting practices and social justice advocacy.
What you do in your family and community- when you’re aligned and standing in the light of your own truth- matters.
Thank you for bringing your whole self to our liberatory work together.

You did what you had to do to survive. Now you want to give your child all you got so they can thrive.
But conflicting parenting advice keeps you up at 1:53 AM wondering “did I do enough?” Plus, capitalism grinds and pushes you to the limits. So you accidentally snap at your child and sound like your parents (even though you promised yourself to never repeat these words to your child).
Your ancestors went through too much for you to raise your child using a parenting playbook written by white, colonial, capitalist patriarchy (or a TikTok influencer).
It’s possible for you to get unstuck from outdated family cycles and oppressive parenting “should’s”.
So that you can raise your child by your social justice values and stop passing down those hurtful family cycles.

Which parent are you resonating with today?
Click to see how I meet you there (and I’m bringing Pad Thai & matcha mochi cookies too)
“I know my child doesn’t come with a manual. But I want to stop second guessing my parenting decisions.”
“I’m trying to be gentle and conscious with my child. But when they push my buttons. I get triggered and yell (sigh). It feels like I start at zero again. I want to work on my triggers.”
“I want my child to grow up and use their privileges and power for everyone’s equity and liberation.”
Be that parent in the group chat…
That your friends love & channel when they’re stuck
Learn with the Come Back to Care Podcast
Unpack & Unlearn Parenting Scripts from Colonialism & Patriarchy, Capitalism, and White Supremacy
Practice with a community of social justice curious families

Because upgrading your parenting starts with uninstalling outdated family patterns and oppressive social norms…
I wholeheartedly invite you to come home to who you truly are, come back to your body, come back to your lineages, your communities, the land, and to Come Back to Care.
Sa-Wad-Dee ka or hi,
I’m Nat Vikitsreth, LCSW
Your trans auntie from the decolonized parenting and inner child re-parenting village.
A decolonized & licensed clinical psychotherapist, child development specialist, and trans rights activist…
Also known as a recovering parentified child, overachieving perfectionist, and award-winning people pleaser.
Getting out of bed each morning to do this healing and liberation work with you is so sacred and humbling.
You know how society conditions families to believe that “good parents” SHOULD be productive by adding new parenting hacks and tricks to their toolkits. But you’re so overwhelmed by these impossible parenting “standards” that these tricks are just sitting there in the toolkit collecting dust. It’s not that you don’t have the skills to use these tools. You absolutely do. But surviving under white, colonial, capitalist patriarchy just drains your cup dry. Plus, when your child pushes your buttons, your inner child wounds get triggered. Then you react to your child by using old habits (yelling, shutting down, exerting control, people pleasing) instead of the tools in your toolkit. It’s like “Why collect these tools in the first place if racism, capitalism, and other -isms -- along with your inner child wounds -- are going to get in the way of you being the parent you know you can be?”.
At Come Back to Care, we clear away those two barriers- internalized oppression wounds and inner child wounds. So that you have the space you need to adapt the tools in your toolkit to fit with your parenting style and your child’s development. We use a specific framework of self-reflection, journaling, and body-based practices so you can work with your parenting triggers, break the family cycles, and be a social justice role model for your child.
I’ve witnessed this deep transformative change in parents since I began working with children and families in 2007. When parents heal their inner child and internalized oppression wounds in a community, they put fragmented pieces of themselves together to show up to both parenting and community organizing with their whole selves. Then, parents can dismantle systemic oppression and rebuild a culture that's rooted in liberation for future generations.
Nurturing RESILIENCE in your child begins with nurturing RESISTANCE in you.

Cut the parenting noise to hear your own voice every other Sunday with me in your inbox…
Bite-sized reflections and action plans for you to build your own practice of social justice parenting & inner child re-parenting. Written with love and sent with care every other week.

Kind Words from Families
"I feel so SEEN by Nat’s words and understanding about the difficulty in parenting journeys. I appreciate her honesty, humility, openness, validation, and compassion. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for modeling the authenticity and decolonization!"
— Wei-Chiung Chen-Martinez
Newsletter Subscriber
“I'm more playful, curious, and engaged in what my child is doing. Prior to this program I was definitely on autopilot. I wanted to be more engaged but didn't know how, or even why I was not present. Understanding and breaking free from capitalist brainwashing is a very valuable lesson I've learned in this program. Ever grateful for being included in the hard work and insights that came from working with our cohort and Nat and a fearless and ever kind leader.”
— Katie Drenga
The In-Out-N-Through® Program Graduate
“Seriously - the fun approach and the easy strategies she gives me to use right away make me feel like we could uplift an entire generation of kids and transform the world within the next ten years.
This is the transformative justice focused parenting guide I needed when I was a young autistic mom trying to figure out how to break cycles of hurt and rage while stuck at home with two screaming babies. I could have saved myself years of pain and and several trips to the hospital (along with all the bills and therapy) if only I had this podcast 12 years ago.
So, me from 12 years ago - if you don’t feel like you deserve time, help, and can’t ask for anything yourself, especially the warm, BFF support Nat gives to you for free - that’s a sign that this podcast and a little quality time with Nat is the gift you need. Do it for your kids, they deserve a parent who is the best version of you.”
— Ashia Ray
The Come Back to Care Podcast Review on Apple Podcast