As Seen In

When the families you serve don’t have to worry about whether you’re racist, transphobic, or ableist…
They can focus on co-creating change for their children with you.
Even with limited resources, you go above and beyond for the children and families you serve.
You take risks to disrupt the business-as-usual that works for a few families, but not all.
But it can be so isolating to go against the grain of white, colonial, capitalist patriarchy in perinatal mental health and early childhood education (on top of compassion fatigue).
Families and children deserve to have you show up as your whole self…
And you deserve to show up for them from a place of dignity, joy, and creativity.

"For the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house. They may allow us temporarily to beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change."
- Audre Lorde, a self-described "Black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet,"
During the Re-parenting your inner child workshop with Nat, I experienced a type of safety and comfort I’ve never experienced before in my adulthood. I felt like connected to everyone the moment we began to share our stories from our childhood and find similarities within them. I enjoyed most being able to be vulnerable, present, and heard. I love most how Nat interacts with people because she allows space for everyone to be heard & think every thought through. Pauses that’ll traditionally be considered “awkward” moments in facilitation were quickly recognized as time, space, and energy to not only process everything that was being told but also how you felt and thought about it…Overall I felt a sense of fulfillment leaving this workshop but also an eagerness to gain more! I can’t wait to continue to do this work.
— Tanya Smith
Arts Facilitator, Kuumba Lynx

Theory of Change
Deepen Your Clinical Skills with Social Justice Actions
You and I already know that our field’s competencies like attunement, therapeutic alliance, trauma-informed care, play-based intervention, and so on center Euro-American, middle class, ableist values.
These values include urgency, perfectionism, and productivity.
Together, we can de-center these biases and examine the field’s competencies through the lens of social justice actions.
To say it another way: we decolonize and queer the field’s business-as-usual and root our practices in belonging, liberation, equity, and justice.
Discover how the wisdom of organizing work can strengthen your partnership with the families you serve and deepen your clinical competencies.
Explore how practicing harm reduction, transformative justice, solidarity, power-with, and accountability can promote child and family outcomes and community healing.
Shift from constantly doubting “did I take up too much space? Could I have spoken up more for my colleagues who couldn’t?” to confidently grounding your social justice action in your integrity.
A full-day facilitation for home visitors in King County, Washington State, who serve infants and toddlers. Session topic- Power Play: A Play-Based Approach to Nurture Equity & Belonging in Home Visitor-Family Partnership. Photo Credit: Sarah Ganbat.

100% of workshop participants at the Abilities Network's 2024 Professional Development Institute stated that their "knowledge and skills as a child care provider has improved" (85% "definitely improved" and 15% "somewhat improved").
100% of workshop participants at the Abilities Network's 2024 Professional Development Institute stated that "the trainer (Nat) was effective in teaching this workshop" (91% "definitely effective" and 9% "somewhat effective").
The workshop participants at the the University of Texas Austin and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) rated the workshop 1.34 out of 5 on a likert scale (1 = Excellent; 5 = the Worst).
91% of participants from my keynote address at the 2024 Oregon Parenting Educators Conference agreed (84% "strongly agreed", 7% "somewhat agreed") with the statements "The quality of the workshop met my expectations" and "the topic covered in this workshop will be helpful in my work with children."
100% of participants at the 2024 Zero to Three Pre-Conference Forum agreed that “My professional knowledge was increased or enhanced by my interactions with the presenters and other session participants” (61% strongly agree and 31% agree).
100% of participants at the 2024 Zero to Three Pre-Conference Forum agreed that “I felt encouraged and supported to express my ideas, questions, and reflections” (76% strongly agree and 19% agree).
100% of participants at the 2024 Zero to Three Pre-Conference Forum agreed that “The presenter(s) presented meaningful, up-to-date, and relevant content clearly, referencing the application of knowledge into practice or scopes of work” (72% strongly agree and 20% agree).
The workshop participants at the the University of Texas Austin and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) rated the workshop 1.34 out of 5 on a likert scale (1 = Excellent; 5 = the Worst).

“This was probably the most helpful training I have received so far as a home visitor. Tools to help ourselves work more deeply and effectively with our clients are so valuable. I appreciate that this training was balanced between how we can better interact with and connect with our families while also continuing to protect and care for ourselves while we do that.”
— Early Care and Early Childhood Educator, Abilities Network, Baltimore, MD
“Absolutely amazing presenter with the ability to go deep and meaningful and pull on the heartstrings. Super impactful.”
— Oregon Parenting Educators Conference 2024 Participant
“This presenter was absolutely amazing and dynamic and was just a powerhouse! I am so inspired! I will follow their podcast as well!”
— A participant at the 2024 Zero to Three Pre-Conference Forum

A Congressional Commendation read into the Congressional Record on the House Floor by Congresswoman Delia Ramirez in July 2024
A 2024-2026 Zero to Three Fellow, a distinguished global fellowship for leaders who work with families and young children (0-3 years old) established in 1981
A recipient of the 2023 Equity Champion Award from the National Training & Technical Assistance Center for Child, Youth, & Family Mental Health
A recipient of the 2021 Emerging Leadership Award (Practice Category) from Zero to Three

“I really enjoyed that the speaker wasn't traditional at all, and that we got that kind of point of view. She was so intentional and really showed a great example of the type of reflective supervision I'd like to implement.”
— A participant at the workshop hosted by the University of Texas Austin and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
“This was probably the most helpful training I have received so far as a home visitor. Tools to help ourselves work more deeply and effectively with our clients are so valuable. I appreciate that this training was balanced between how we can better interact with and connect with our families while also continuing to protect and care for ourselves while we do that.”
— A home visitor from a workshop with Start Early

As a fellow home visitor and clinician, I know how powerful a 90-minute workshop can be to either fill or drain our cup.
(especially when we could be using this time to rest or catch up on therapy notes, billing, etc.)
That’s why I co-create each workshop with your team to meet you where you’re at.
With each workshop, your team will:
Sample Training Topics:
Power PLAY: A Play-Based Approach to Equity, Belonging & Leadership
Abolition in Our Classrooms: Replacing Control & Coercion with Consent & Collaboration
From Regulation to Revolution: Politicizing Somatics for IECMH
Somatic Play for Providers’ Compassion Fatigue and Burnout
Talking to Your Kids about Race in Ways that They Get & You Don’t Sweat
Three Ways to Practice Social Justice While Promoting Child Development
What Encanto Teaches Us About Partnering with Parents and Healing Our Inner Child Wounds
Watch Nat in action at the World Association for Infant Mental Health Congress in Ireland, 2023
If you’re ready to replace “nice intentions” with real, messy actions, let’s co-create an immersive (un)learning experience.
Step 1
Fill out the training inquiry form
Step 2
Schedule a 30-minute Zoom call
Step 3
Engage in your team’s new interactive, embodied, and action-driven workshop
"I would love to have another session with Nat and invite my whole team to participate. She is so incredible…I wish I could bottle her and sprinkle her all around the US."
— Oregon Parenting Educators Conference 2022 Participant
“I loved the care-focused, welcome-all energy. I felt seen and appreciated as I am, which is an incredible feeling to capture through a virtual format.”
— VOCEL Chicago
“Nat is on the cutting edge of integrating somatic and abolitionist wisdom with tried and true infant mental health principles. She is the future of our field.”
— A participant at the 2024 Zero to Three Pre-Conference Forum

Hi I’m Nat Vikitsreth, LCSW
I speak to the quiet change makers in the back of the room while holding space for the fierce disruptors in the front, mobilizing your team towards a shared vision of change, belonging, and liberation.
I uplift the collective wisdom that’s already in your team while nurturing those seeds and sprouts of change with my dignity-centered facilitation.
Trained as a professional player (early childhood special ed teacher, early intervention home visitor, and politicized therapist), play is at the heart of my facilitation.
I’ll engage your team in psychoeducation and political education with play via somatic practices, storytelling, improv, and pop culture.
Our work is already hard. The budget is tight. The paperwork is (insert eyeroll).
That’s why I want your team to walk away from each workshop with their heart cups a little fuller, with a clear sense of “I got this,” and with concrete tools to transform their work the following day.
I won’t tell your team to “Google it.” Rather, I’ll meet their curiosity with compassion so we can arrive at action plans together.

"I left our time with you feeling inspired and with a full heart. Your workshop was one of the most meaningful I have ever experienced in terms of feeling seen, validated, and inspired. You have a beautiful way of putting words to what so many of us feel and making learning a full-body, mind, and heart experience. Thank you. I learned so much not only from what you shared, but in the way that you shared."
— Shauna Tominey, Ph.D (she/her/hers)
Associate Professor of Practice & Parenting Education Specialist & Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative (OPEC) State Coordinator

Whether you’re looking for a keynote speaker, workshop facilitator, leadership development consultant, or reflective supervision provider…
Please fill out the form below and I’ll be in touch about scheduling a call.

“Nat's workshop last year was stellar and happy to see the elevation to a key note slot as everyone deserves to connect with the power of Nat's content-driven messages. Applause yet again for storytelling, vulnerability, diversity and compassion!”
— Oregon Parenting Educators Conference 2024 Participant