Episode 29: How to Support Trans Rights, Reproductive Justice & Disability Justice As A Decolonized Parent

“While playing by these scripts helps you survive the Hunger Game of capitalism and stay proximal to whiteness at the top of the power hierarchy, all the contorting to conform leave some wounds on you too. So, who are you outside those scripts? When you set aside who you need to be to survive, who are you?

I truly believe that resistance begins with reclaiming the right to define who we are and what to do with our own bodies.”

Episode Summary

In this episode, you and I are going to explore a thread that weaves trans issues, reproductive issues, and disability issues together to see why trans issues affect all of us. After this quick political analysis, you’ll explore one macro-level and one micro-level action to advocate for trans rights, reproductive and disability justice. You’ll hear my personal stories of trans experiences too as you engage in 7 self-reflection questions on self-determination. 

Full episode transcript here.

Episode Outline

  • The colonial conditioning that underlies trans rights, reproductive and disability justice issues

  • History of oppression done to queer, trans, and BIPOC bodies throughout US history

  • History of resistance queer, trans, BIPOC bodies mobilized for our bodily autonomy and self-determination

  • Macro-level action: using a national database to track your state representatives’ action for or against anti-LGBTQIA+ bills

  • Micro-level action: define who you are outside the social identity scripts you’re forced to perform to survive

  • Unpacking how you’re performing these social identity scripts and how this survival strategy leaves you internalized oppression wounds.

  • Nat’s stories of trans experiences: how she’s healing from her internalized oppression wounds to become her whole self. 

  • Seven reflective questions for self-determination you can engage in to align your advocacy with your values and practice decolonized parenting.

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