Episode 30: Integrating lessons from Season 3

“May our compassion alchemize guilt into growth. May our nonlinear growth be our resistance to white supremacist conditioning of perfectionism and capitalist conditioning of linear progression.”

Episode Summary

In this episode, you and I are going to look back and reflect on season 3 together. We’ll zoom out to remind ourselves why we’re doing this hard and heart work of social justice parenting and inner child re-parenting. And from this big-picture perspective, we’ll see what adult developmental skills are important for your healing and raising your child. Then, we’ll zoom in a bit to explore three main themes from the season so that when guilt, perfectionism, and urgency arise, you’re ready to acknowledge them and let them go. Lastly, we’ll zoom in a little closer to review one highlight from each episode in this season so you can see which topic might be something nourishing you need or something caring to share with your beloved community. I want this season finale episode to reflect this intentionality of slowing down. So we’re going to pause, reflect, review, rest, and digest before we continue our liberatory journey together in Season 4 which will begin mid-May. 

Full episode transcript here.

Episode Outline

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