Ep 62: Mothering, Not Smothering: Power With When Your Child is Struggling

“How do our children grow up to trust themselves? It begins right here when you trust them enough to power-with with them, most of the time.”

Episode Summary

In this episode, you and I are going to explore one action to power-with with your child when they struggle. You’ll also explore the science behind how power-with nurtures your child’s motivation and perseverance. You can prepare your child for the real world using power-with. This way you get to practice what feels aligned with your values and promote your child’s development at the same time.

Full episode transcript here.

Episode Outline

  • For your child to grow up to be whole, to be free, and to be resilient, they need you to be a partner, not a police officer.

  • Power-with = Nurturing your child’s self-trust

  • Two ways to power-with previously explored in other episodes.

  • One invitation to power-with with your child when they’re struggling.

  • Nat’s examples from her upbringing. 

  • An example of power-with in action from a neurodivergent mom.

  • What science says about nurturing our children’s motivation and perseverance.

  • Policing our children out of fear isn’t our only option.

Resources Mentioned:

Ep 61: Unlearn Adult Supremacy & Power-With with Your Child

Linda Thai

Joyful Militancy 

Trust Kids

Uilliam (Liam) Joy Bergman

Ep 37: Where do I start “meeting my child where they’re at”? 

Ep 47: How to Practice Social Justice Parenting Today.

Ep 51: Why Intentions Don’t Matter When You’re Triggered (in Parenting & Activism)

Ep 47: How to Practice Social Justice Parenting Today

Shannon’s blog: We’ll Eat You Up, We Love You So

Growing Sustainable Together by Shannon Brescher Shea

Come Back to Care Newsletter

Keith, N., & Frese, M. (2008). Effectiveness of error management training: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(1), 59–69. https://doi.org/10.1037/0021-9010.93.1.59

Steele-Johnson, D., & Kalinoski, Z. T. (2014). Error framing effects on performance: cognitive, motivational, and affective pathways. The Journal of psychology148(1), 93–111. https://doi.org/10.1080/00223980.2012.748581

Dixson DD. Hope into action: How clusters of hope relate to success-oriented behavior in school. Psychol Schs. 2019; 56: 1493–1511. https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.22299

Learning Gap: Why Our Schools Are Failing And What We Can Learn From Japanese And Chinese Education

Favorite Resources from Our Co-Conspirator:

Children’s Rights & Anti-Childism: A Family Action Toolkit by Ashia Ray


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