Your Action Sustains Our Movement 

I wholeheartedly commit to creating each episode of the Come Back to Care podcast with love and integrity. Making psychoeducation and political education free and accessible is important because liberation requires us to heal as we get free. 

Each episode is researched, created, and edited by me and is guided by my ancestors. Bringing forth the healing and political work from various lineages is heart work. Connecting the dots between child development science, decolonized mental health, and social justice action is also heart work.

This is where you come in. Your financial redistribution sustains our psychoeducation and political education efforts. Whether it's a one-time or ongoing redistribution, you help me make this work accessible, free, and ad-free. 

You have the power to shift our culture to be more equitable and free with your actions.

Please make a one-time or ongoing financial redistribution to support my work and sustain our free and accessible psychoeducation and political education on this podcast.