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Come Back to Care specializes in anti-racist, conscious and holistic parenting ran by somatic social justice practitioner, trauma-informed, resilience-oriented licensed psychotherapist, and relational developmental therapist Nat Vikitsreth
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 We both know this conversation isn’t going anywhere. There will be more Floyds and Fengs (we hate it, but we know it).


So that we can honor both our similarities and differences without shame, othering, superiority, and colorblindness.



To ALL parents and caregivers of children aged two to five who want to talk to their little ones about race and racism. This  interactive, self-paced course is for you.

Your intention for equity is already there so let's transform it into a sustainable daily hard-n’-heart conversation at a time. 

If you’re already teaching your little one: “we’re all friends,”

I know you can add that “and some friends are treated differently because of how they look… it’s called prejudice.”

You have what it takes to be imperfectly brave and compassionately caring when it comes to having socially conscious conversations with your toddlers and preschoolers.

They and their budding implicit biases have been ready for your proactive, anti-oppression parenting.



Even when you want to protect your child from this oppressive violence or when you’re not sure how to start this conversation, your child may have thoughts like...


And it starts with one conversation…



I love Nat's loving approach to communication. Her techniques are very helpful and accessible for parents who may be overcommitted, burned out, or just beginning their journey towards a greater understanding of anti-racist and anti-oppressive practice. I feel so affirmed in all my imperfections as a parent, and so compassionately challenged to keep trying my best to bring my kid along with me on the path towards liberation for all!

- Emmy Bean


 With our In-Out-N-Through® Method, you will...

❤️ Understand your resistance or obstacle towards talking to your little ones about race and racism through the lens of self-compassion and body-based centering.

No more meditating or rehearsing your script in the bathroom mirror for an hour. Use these in-the-moment exercises to turn this hard conversation into a heart-centered one.

❤️ Engage in interactive exercises to deep dive into your toddlers' and preschoolers' cognitive, socioemotional, and language development through the lens of interpersonal neurobiology and trauma-informed infant-parent mental health.

❤️ Co-create a conversation starter about stereotypes, prejudices, differences in gender, religion, ability... that is developmentally appropriate for your child and culturally respectful for you.

Walk away from the class, feeling ready to practice anti-oppression parenting with calm, curiosity, courage, and confidence. You’ll help your child make sense of oppression and empower them to safely interrupt injustice. You'll have concrete tools to play with and an understanding for both yourself and your child.


Say no more, I’m in!

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 Trusted by:

Hi, I am Nat Vikitsreth, LCSW, DT, CEIM.

Your personal care package for Decolonized, Embodied, Intergenerational (DEI) prenatal-to-three parenting.

A norm agitator, a dot connector, and a community builder.

A decolonized and licensed psychotherapist, a social justice and somatics practitioner, and a lecturer.

Also known as a recovering parentified child, overachieving perfectionist, and award-winning people pleaser. 

Yes, those are my inner child wound and social-cultural oppression injuries that I have spent the past decade healing from. Two Master’s degrees, ten post-graduate certifications, and years of daily Buddhist and Daoist spiritual practices later, I am still healing from those wounds but from a much more grounded and loving place in my heart (for my full credentials, please visit the FAQs below).

Along the way, I feel grateful to get out of bed every morning and support caregivers in their journeys to come back home to who they truly are. It is my highest honor to practice liberation and embody it with the families and children I get to work with. Of course, we BOTH rock Baby Shark Doo Doo, re-parent ourselves AND analyze the sociopolitical structures that do not uphold our humanity. Even amid racism, transphobia, and other oppression, I have witnessed a heart-to-heart connection between caregivers and their children daily when they are cued into the care and plugged-in to parenting...most of the time (because life is real and perfection isn’t)

My mission is to support parents to be exactly all of who they are so they can intentionally build the family they always want. I do that with a wholehearted compassion, a whole lot of curiosity, and a wholesome liberation practice. 

I believe that you’re capable. Together, you’ll be equipped and ready to deepen your parenting practice and integrate social justice into it.



“Nat is incredibly skilled! I love the simplicity of her very practical and applicable tools and techniques that she invites me to play with. Nat made a difficult topic accessible and even ENJOYABLE to discuss. It feels both even more important and even more DOABLE- which feels pretty incredible given the complexity.”

 — Christine Wulbecker


 By age 5, children have the same implicit biases that adults have. Without intervention, these implicit biases stay stable through adulthood.  

(Dunham, Y., Baron, A. S., & Banaji, M. R. (2008). The development of implicit intergroup cognition. Trends in cognitive sciences, 12(7), 248–253.


Let’s make this conversation about race enriching for the whole family. 

With this course, you will:

✓ honor your discomfort and move through it with compassion.

✓ creatively use your privilege, power, and position in your unique ways in anti-oppression parenting.

✓ be the role model of equity that your child needs.

✓ discuss oppression and liberation in ways that support and promote your child's development.

✓ support your child to be the future leader who's socially conscious and compassionate.

Plus you'll have these bonuses...

A quick audio mindfulness guide for your social justice imposter syndrome

A mini training on Top 5 Race Talk Questions and Answers

A mini training on "Social Justice Fried Rice"

Our signature 4S's Conversation Starter Guide

A Developmental Readiness Cheat sheet

A Conversation Follow-Up Guide

A lifetime access to the course

 Course Content (90 minutes)

How to start anti-oppression parenting well…

Arriving Together: Trauma-informed Safety, Belonging, & Dignity

The In-Out-N-Through® Method of Parenting & Race Talk

Module 1: Why Race Talk Tips and Hacks fail…

The 3 Personal Roadblocks

My Mistakes & Roadblocks

Module 2: How Toddlers and Preschoolers Learn Racism…

Is my child ready for the Race Talk?

Wait, is my baby racist?

So, how does my child learn racism exactly?

Conclusion: Your Action is the Solution

Bonus: Social Justice Fried Rice (audio)

Bonus: A 3-Minute Guided Meditation (audio)

Bonus: A Developmental Readiness Cheat Sheet

Module 3: What You Can Experiment with Before, During, and After the Race Talk…

Before, During, & After the Talk

Top 5 Questions Answered [video]

Bonus: The 4S’s of Conversation Building Block Workbook

Bonus: A Conversation Follow-up Guide


“Nat has a wonderful, calming presence. She made me feel very welcome in the space and more capable that I thought I was. I learn from the course that these conversations are not actually as challenging as I imagined they would be. That there are developmentally appropriate ways to talk with even very young children about race and racism. That I will not traumatize children by talking with them about racism. Nat really removed that element of fear for me.  The course is so supportive for people coming from any background and starting point, and Nat does a nice job of explaining how to use the tools no matter where you are on your anti-bias journey. The tools are straight-forward, flexible, and very user-friendly. I appreciated the mix of medias as well, with videos, transcripts, printables, and links to online resources all being utilized well. I would highly recommend this workshop for anyone who has young children or works with them!

— Katie Kretzmann

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 Hold the pacifier, Nat!

  • Absolutely. There's no prerequisite to taking this course and taking action.

    Even though all families who value liberation come together in solidarity, sometimes our racial wounds and ancestral healings can be different.

    For racialized White caregivers, you'll dive deep into privilege, power, position, along with guilt and shame. You'll take a compassionate take on this self-reflection and mobilize guilt into action that aligns with your values and parenting practices.

    For racialized Black, Indigenous, Mixed-Race, and parents of color, you're invited to create space to be with your collective grief, rage, exhaustion along with hope, gratitude, and compassion. All of your emotions are welcomed here. Once you're ready to mobilize into action, you'll explore ways to be in relationship with the ancestral, historical, and present racial wounds. So that you can enter the conversation about race with your child from a grounded place. Then, you'll explore ways to both honor the real survival part of the talk and bring pride and resistance to the conversation. This way racial pride, ancestral resilience, and the oppression that's alive and well now can co-exist in the conversation in ways that don't overwhelm your child's development.

  • I’m so glad you asked. You can expect reasonable safety, discomfort, body-based centering exercise, child development discussion, and anti-oppression parenting application.

    You’ll practice the signature 4S's of Conversation Building Blocks, the Baby Shark Doo Doo, the OWL, and the Olivia Pope techniques so that you can make the race talk safe for your child's understanding and development.

    You'll have the following bonuses as well:

    A quick audio mindfulness guide for your social justice imposter syndrome

    A mini training on Top 5 Race Talk Questions and Answers

    A mini training on "Social Justice Fried Rice"

    Our signature 4S's Conversation Starter Guide

    A Developmental Readiness Cheat sheet

    A Conversation Follow-Up Guide

    Each lesson is broken down into various videos that are under 10 minutes.

    Each lesson comes in an audio format with a transcript that you can download and keep, too.

    The total course length is 1 hour and 35 minutes.

    Lastly, you'll have lifetime access to the course.

  • Welcome, co-strugglers! I’m so glad you’re here. For liberation to blossom, we need all hands on deck.

    I’ll provide resources to firm up the foundation you need for the program even though there’s no prerequisite to register for the program.

    This way you can be the role model your child needs to become our future socially conscious generation. Cheers to that legacy!

  • I'm so glad you're on top of this. I'm available for extra support via email, Please allow me 1-3 business days to reply to you with care and lovingkindness.

  • Thank you for asking! These are my qualifications also known as the reasons I've never seen a Beyonce concert live.


    2021 Zero to Three’s Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH) Emerging Leadership Award (Category: Practice)

    2020 The Office of Special Education (OSEP) Grant


    Licensed Clinical Social Worker, the Illinois Department of Human Services

    Developmental Therapist, the Illinois Department of Human Services

    Certified NCAST Feeding Scale Examiner, University of Washington, School of Nursing

    Certified Infant Massage Instructor, the International Association of Infant Massage

    Registered Circle of Security Parenting Educator

    Registered Gottman Bringing Baby Home Educator

    Certified Newborn Behavioral Observations Provider, the Brazelton Institute, Harvard Medical School


    Somatic Abolitionism Trainee, Education For Racial Equity

    M.S.W. in Social Work, Erikson Institute

    Postgraduate Certificate in Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders, Postpartum Support International

    Postgraduate Certificate in Infant-Parent Mental Health, University of Massachusetts Boston

    Ed.M. in Infancy and Early Childhood Special Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Your action is the solution we need.


“Insightful, grounding, affirming!
I enjoyed how much Nat focused on the parent’s feelings and introduced the In-Out-N-Through method that was particularly helpful. I felt I could be present for the child and their questions about race and racism. As a whole, this workshop is incredibly affirming and empowering.”

— Garrett Pluhar-Schaeffer